- 產品詳情
WOW ER4047 was originally developed as abrazing alloy to take advantage of its low meltingpoint and narrow freezing range. In addition, ithas a higher silicon content than WOW ER4043 which provides increased fluidity and reducedshrinkage. The alloy produces bright, almostsmut-free welds. Hot cracking is significantlyreduced when using WOW ER4047 as a filleralloy. The alloy can be used in applications withsustained elevated temperatures. Non-heat treatable
Si Mn Cu Ti Zn Fe
12.0 <0.15 <0.05 <0.15 <0.20 <0.6
抗拉強度 170帕
屈服強度 80帕
延伸率 12%
直徑 0.6mm 0.8mm 0.9mm 1.0mm 1.2mm 1.6mm 2.0mm
重量 1KG 5KG 15KG 18KG 20KG 60LB
鐵絲盤 SV300 K300
塑料盤 D100 D190 D200 D270 D300 D400-60LB
桶裝 100KG 250KG 350KG