- 產品詳情
WOW ER5183 is designed to provide the highest possible strength in the as-welded conditionof alloy AA 5083 and similar high-magnesiumAlloys.The alloy is typically used inmarine and structural applications where highstrength, high fracture toughness for impactresistance and exposure to corrosive elements are important. The alloy is not recommended forelevated temperature applications due to itssusceptibility to stress corrosion cracking. Thealloy is non-heat treatable.
Si Mn Cr Cu Ti Zn Fe Mg
<0.25 0.8 0.15 <0.10 <0.15 <0.25 <0.40 4.8
抗拉強度 290帕
屈服強度 140帕
延伸率 25%
測試溫度, °C 卻貝沖擊值, J
+20 30
直徑 0.6mm 0.8mm 0.9mm 1.0mm 1.2mm 1.6mm 2.0mm
重量 1KG 5KG 15KG 18KG 20KG 60LB
鐵絲盤 SV300 K300
塑料盤 D100 D190 D200 D270 D300 D400-60LB
桶裝 100KG 250KG 350KG