- 產品詳情
PCB電子氈是生產 CEM-3 的主要基材之一。我公司在國內首先開發生產的 E 玻纖電子氈產品已成功地應用于 CEM-3 型覆銅板的生產上。經過國內外廣大 CCL 廠家使用表明我公司的玻纖紙其性能已達到或超過進口玻纖紙水平,用我公司 E 玻纖紙生產的 CEM-3 型覆銅板其主要性能指標經測試已達到或超過國內外同類產品的各項指標,尤其是它的耐熱性更加突出。在中高檔家用電器特別是高頻頭數字、電子信息LED照明用CEM-3 型覆銅板已得到應用。此外電子級高分子聚合物氈 ELECTRONICGRADE POLYMER MAT,代號示例:Code example :SH-(20-90)P(SH-表示電子級薄氈類產品編號,20-90-表示每平方米克重,P-表示高分子聚合物類型.P-聚丙烯,E聚酯纖維,一種利用經過特殊處理的高分子聚合物纖維絲所制成
PCB fiber glass tissue is specially used as the base material in the copper-clad laminate of type CEM-3. This type of tissue is characterized by its smooth visual quality, excellent electrical feature and heat resistance. Being uniquely compatible to epoxy resin matrix, this type of mat enables the CCL product to reach the specifications set by IPC-4130 and comparable to that made of fiber glass woven roving. Applicable to industrial electronic devices, CCL with fiber glass tissue base is well received by the market because of its processability by punching and drilling. The successful application by the CCL producers has proven that the PCB tissue developed by this company is comparable to similar products in the world market in terms of physical and chemical properties and is reliable in the CCL production.
外觀均勻 smooth visual quality
優良的電性能 excellent electrical feature
耐熱性好 heat resistance
與環氧樹脂相容性優良 compatible to epoxy resin matrix
Item/項目 | Unit/單位 | Standard/標準 |
Area Weight 克重 | G/m2 | 75±5,105±5 |
Width 幅寬 | MM | 1265 |
Binder Content 含膠量 | % | 11±2 |
Tensile Strength MD 縱向拉力強度 | N/50 mm | ≥225 |
Tensile Strength CD 橫向拉力強度 | N/50 mm | ≥150 |
Color 顏色 | White 白色 |